Today we tried out a vegan gluten-free blueberry muffin, which turned out smooth, delicious, and rose just the right amount in the oven.
In the warm spring month of March, our goal was to make a muffin that was both animal product-free and gluten-free. Over the course of a week, different gluten-free flour mixtures were tested (based on rice flour, but based on potato powder, gluten-free oat flour or raw buckwheat flour) and during the work, numerous products with liquid contents or quite dry contents were seen. The work was made difficult by the vegan muffin plan, because the egg, cow's milk and other usual binders had to be left out. In the end, the best muffin was made from a rice-almond flour dough, in which frozen blueberries from last summer were added. The taste was amazing! Thus, you can have a muffin without compromising on the final result, so to speak.